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  • euraxess

    EURAXESS Smart Talks Podcast Season 2

    Discover inspiring stories of researchers within and beyond academia in Spain on the EURAXESS Smart Talks podcast!  Join hosts Darja Aksjonova and Leah Nerenberg as they interview Dr. Izaskun Lacunza, Dr. Gaizka Otaegi, and Dr. Sofía Cabezudo. Gain unique insights, important lessons, and personal...
  • Photo

    Invitation to Entrepreneur Leadership Academy Webinar

    Sign up for the upcoming Entrepreneur Leadership Academy webinar, ''From Pitch to Profit: Communication Skills And Technical Strategies to Raise Capital for Your Startup'' on June 1, 2023 from 10:30-13:00 CET, via Zoom! The webinar is intended for researchers in the entrepreneur and start up world...
  • bulletin

    New Bulletin Issue

    The new edition of Sofia University Scientific Research Department Bulletin is now published and is available to download. Please, notice that part of the information is provided in Bulgarian language.
  • shutterstock

    Inspireurope+ webinar ''Publication Strategies for Researchers at Risk"

    The Inspireurope+ project that is funded by  European Union, under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), Horizon Europe carried out a webinar on publishing in peer-reviewed journals. The webinar addressed actions publishers are taking to support researchers at risk, the importance of choosing a...
  • Photo

    National Geographic Society – минало, настояще и бъдеще, информационен семинар за грантове

    EURAXESS Кариерен център за докторанти и изследователи и Геолого-географски факултет на СУ „Св.Кл.Охридски“,  съвместно с National Geographic Society организират информационен ден от 12:00 ч., 15 май 2023 г., зала 1, Ректорат. Д-р Клеър Макнълти, изпълнителен директор за Европа и Близкия изток, ще...
  • Bulletin

    New Bulletin Issue

    The new edition of Sofia University Scientific Research Department Bulletin is now published and is available to download. Please, notice that part of the information is provided in Bulgarian language.
  • Newsletter

    New Bulletin Issue

    The new edition of Sofia University, Scientific Research Department Bulletin is now published and is available to download. Please, notice that part of the information is provided in Bulgarian language. 
  • Newsletter

    New Bulletin Issue

    The new edition of Sofia University, Scientific Research Department Bulletin is now published and is available to download. Please, notice that part of the information is provided in Bulgarian language. 
  • Newsletter

    New Bulletin Issue

    The new edition of Sofia University, Scientific Research Department Bulletin is now published and is available to download. Please, notice that part of the information is provided in Bulgarian language.