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  • 293989322_5631534026864884_2650850237813831228_n_1

    EURAXESS Smart Talks are now live

    The pilot podcast about the most interesting topics for the research community is now live. The episodes include topics on the gender gap in academia (2 parts) and careers beyond academia (2 parts) and will be soon followed by episodes on entrepreneurship. The Smart Talks can be listened from the...
  • 293989322_5631534026864884_2650850237813831228_n_1

    EURAXESS Smart Talks

    EURAXESS Smart Talks is live! The pilot podcast about the most interesting topics for the #research community is now live! You are invited to listen to fascinating episodes on entrepreneurship, on the gender gap in academia, and careers beyond academia. You can listen to the Smart Talks from the...
  • Newsletter

    New Bulletin Issue

    The new edition of Sofia University, Scientific Research Department Bulletin is now published and is available to download. Please, notice that part of the information is provided in Bulgarian language. 
  • Newsletter

    New Bulletin Issue

    The new edition of Sofia University, Scientific Research Department Bulletin is now published and is available to download. Please, notice that part of the information is provided in Bulgarian language. 
  • Newsletter

    New Bulletin Issue

    The new edition of Sofia University, Scientific Research Department Bulletin is now published and is available to download. Please, notice that part of the information is provided in Bulgarian language. 
  • Newsletter

    New Bulletin Issue

    The new edition of Sofia University, Scientific Research Department Bulletin is now published and is available to download. Please, notice that part of the information is provided in Bulgarian language. 
  • Newsletter

    New Bulletin Issue

    The new edition of Sofia University, Scientific Research Department Bulletin is now published and is available to download. Please, notice that part of the information is provided in Bulgarian language. 
  • Newsletter

    New Bulletin Issue

    The new edition of Sofia University, Scientific Research Department Bulletin is now published and is available to download. Please, notice that part of the information is provided in Bulgarian language. 
  • Bulletin

    New Bulletin Issue

    The new edition of Sofia University Scientific Research Department Bulletin is now published and is available to download. Please, notice that part of the information is provided in Bulgarian language.
  • Photo

    National Geographic Society – минало, настояще и бъдеще, информационен семинар за грантове

    EURAXESS Кариерен център за докторанти и изследователи и Геолого-географски факултет на СУ „Св.Кл.Охридски“,  съвместно с National Geographic Society организират информационен ден от 12:00 ч., 15 май 2023 г., зала 1, Ректорат. Д-р Клеър Макнълти, изпълнителен директор за Европа и Близкия изток, ще...