The Scientific Entrepreneurship Hub in Bulgaria organized a training course, "Creating an Enterprise Based on a Scientific Product," at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE). The event gathered researchers, entrepreneurs, and experts to explore pathways from scientific innovation to business ventures. Assoc. Assoc. Prof. Kolarov presented on "Scientific Entrepreneurship – Principles and Approaches", stressing the importance of commercialization and market alignment. He highlighted challenges in evaluating scientific production and intellectual property (IP) rights distribution. Radostina Halacheva from the Unified Innovation Center at BAS argued that Bulgaria's IP regulations effectively support innovation.
The course covered key topics, including:
What defines a scientific entrepreneur?
How to transition from research to business?
Steps from idea to market-ready product.
Svetlana Dimitrova from St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia introduced EURAXESS Hubs, a global network for scientific collaboration. Prof. Dr. Vessela Kazashka discussed Bulgaria’s two major scientific entrepreneurship hubs: UNWE and Plovdiv at the Center for Plant Biology and Biotechnology. Both hubs emphasize talent exchange and support women in science.
The Scientific Entrepreneurship Hub in Bulgaria supports researchers in turning scientific achievements into business ventures, strengthening Bulgaria’s innovation ecosystem.