The Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian National Science Fund have announced open call for proposals for the National Scientific Program “Petar Beron i NIE” (P. Beron) 2021.
General goal of the program
The overall objective of the program is to accelerate reintegration and career development in Bulgarian higher schools and research organizations of experienced researchers with internationally recognized scientific results (Experienced researchers). The program will stimulate the development of the research potential in Bulgaria as a necessary fundamental step for the creation of a sustainable scientific and innovation environment and for the development of a competitive high-tech economy in Bulgaria. The applicant-experienced researcher may be of any nationality. No age restrictions apply. The researcher must move or have moved from any country to Bulgaria where the beneficiary-host organization is located. The researcher cannot have resided or carried out his/hers main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Bulgaria for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the call deadline.
Indicative budget of the call:
The indicative budget for funding projects for the call 2021 is BGN 960 000. It is distributed among the 8 scientific panels proportionally to the share of submitted eligible proposals for the corresponding panel. The budget per proposal depends on the duration of the project and is calculated as up to BGN 5 000 per month.
Scientific panels:
• Chemistry (CHE)
• Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)
• Economic Sciences (ECO)
• Information Science and Engineering (ENG)
• Environment and Geosciences (ENV)
• Life Sciences (LIF)
• Mathematics (MAT)
• Physics (PHY)
The deadline for submission of proposals is 30.09.2021.
Proposals that have been submitted to the H2020 MSCA Individual Fellowships - Standard European Fellowships Calls: MSCA-IF-EF-ST with Bulgarian host organization (higher school, including military educational institutions, or scientific organization) or Maria-Sklodovska Curie-Individual funding - Reintegration grant MSCA-IF-EF-RI, submitted in the period of the last three procedures before the procedure under the national program, which have received evaluation score of 80% and more but have not received grant by the EC, may also be submitted to the call. If such a proposal is presented in this call and meets the eligibility and eligibility criteria in accordance with the procedure described in section 6.2 of the Specific Guidelines of this call, the proposal will be funded directly without being considered by the relevant panel.The duration of the project should be the same as the duration in the MSCA proposal, which was not funded by EC, but not more than 24 months.
Potential candidates for the fellowship are advised to contact in advance with experienced researcher from Bulgarian research institution who may act as supervisor of the project.
Information, documents and guidelines for the Call:
in Bulgarian: https://www.fni.bg/?q=node/1336
in English: https://www.fni.bg/?q=node/1337