On 20 September 2024 a kick-off meeting was held at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” on the national EURAXESS projects TALENTify and SciEntBG. The project “TALENTify: Transnational Acceleration and Learning for Enhancing Networking and Talent Circulation Hub” was presented by the Project Manager Prof. Dr. Vesela Kazashka. The planned main activities of the newly developed EURAXESS Hub at the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) – Plovdiv were discussed. Representatives of educational and scientific organizations, as well as business stakeholders at a local and national level attended the meeting. Emphasis in the discussion was directed towards the opportunities for career development of researchers from various organizations and the diverse means of the Hub to support their mobility by facilitating attraction, admission and retention of scientists in the European Research Area (ERA). An interactive workshop was conducted as a part of the event, devoted to the issues of transformation in science. The participants were invited to share their opinions and ideas in a targeted survey.
The phased implementation of the activities set out in the TALENTify project is forthcoming, aimed at creating conditions for the career development of researchers, attracting new talents and building an environment supporting scientific initiatives.