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NEWS19 Aug 2021career development

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (Center for Electromagnetic Fields Engineering and High-Frequency Techniques)


West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin (Poland) is willing to host researchers - MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships at Center for Electromagnetic Fields Engineering and High-Frequency Techniques



CEFE&HFT is a research unit of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin operating within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. The main tasks of the Center include basic and applied research in the field of

high-frequency electromagnetic waves (radio, microwave, terahertz, and infrared bands) and in electromagnetic field engineering, including magnetism, the interaction of strong fields, and magnetization dynamics and the accompanying thermal phenomena.

Detailed research topics:

- high-frequency techniques: microwave, terahertz and infrared,

- engineering of strong magnetic fields,

- electromagnetic compatibility,

- electromagnetic NDT/NDE,

- active infrared thermography,

- microwave and terahertz tomography,

- sensory systems for measuring/observing physical phenomena and substances of a chemical and biological nature,

- interaction of electromagnetic waves with various materials,

- microwave heating, modeling, and measurements of thermal effects related to the occurrence of electromagnetic fields,

- study of properties of materials in the microwave and terahertz range, terahertz spectroscopy (TDS),

- dynamics of magnetization and magnetic properties of materials from quasi-stationary to high-frequency fields,

- electromagnetic metamaterials in the microwave and terahertz range,

- industrial applications of thin magnetic films.


The most important infrastructure in the CEFE&HFT includes:

- anechoic/EMC chamber SAC-3 Plus of Frankonia with systems for emission and

immunity testing,

- 2 stands with terahertz TDS spectroscopes of Toptica (up to 5 THz) equipped

with imaging and spectroscopic systems,

- 2 stands with microwave vector network analyzers of R&S up to 20 GHz,

- systems for magnetic measurements and characterization of materials,

- systems for active thermography with various types of excitation (halogen

lamp, high power microwaves, forced cooling, high power IR lamps, laser) with

a detection part based on FLIR infrared cameras

- computational units with Comsol Multiphysics FEM software.


Previous Projects/ Research Experience:


EU 7FP project HEMOW: Health Monitoring of Offshore Wind Farms (Project reference: 269202)

EU 7FP project QualiTi: Development of New and Novel Quality Control System for the Inspection of Titanium Components in Safety Critical Applications in the Aerospace Industry (Project reference: 222476)

EU 7FP project SubCTest: Development of novel Non Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques and autonomous robots to be deployed by Remote Operating Vehicles (ROVs) for the sub-sea inspection of offshore structure welds (Project reference: 222174)

EU 6FP project FILMFree: Development of novel digital radiography technology; to facilitate the 'traditionally less research intensive inspection industry sector' change from manual film radiography to automated digital (Project

reference: 515746)

Thematic areas and list of supervisors who are looking forward to preparing a

project proposal with postdoctoral researchers:

1. High frequency (microwave and terahertz) engineering, metasurfaces design,

microwave and terahertz sensors design, imaging and material testing,

electromagnetic problems modelling – prof. Przemyslaw Lopato (CV: [1]).

2. Magnetic measurements and characterization of materials; analysis and

experimental study of magnetization process dynamics in low and RF frequency

bands; electromagnetic field analysis and measurements; magnetic sensors;

multi-sensor measuring systems design and implementation; sensors network;

multi-source data mining and fusion; data processing – prof. Grzegorz Psuj

(CV: [2] [3]).

3. Active infrared thermography with multiple excitation sources -

experimental and theoretical research; designing new excitation sources and

their optimization; numerical modeling of phenomena related to heat flow,

solving the inverse problem with the use of optimization algorithms;

qualitative and quantitative evaluation of materials - dr Barbara Grochowalska-Szymanik (CV: ).


Necessary documents:

- CV

- Brief description of the project idea

- A cover letter motivating the application and detailing the candidate’s experience and analytical skills that can bring a valid contribution to hosting group research.


If you are interested, please contact with: Anna Przybysz EU Framework

Programmes Advisor: