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NEWS2 Feb 2021News

Mentoring Programme “Shape the future of a Researcher coming to Europe”


A Mentoring Programme “Shape the future of a Researcher coming to Europe” has been developed within the EURAXESS TOP IV “Open to the World” project. By fostering cooperation between researchers from European Research Area and EURAXESS Worldwide countries, the programme aims to:

  • facilitate the international mobility of researchers;
  • encourage knowledge transfer and sharing of good practices,
  • raise awareness on the importance of soft skills for international mobility.

Early-stage researchers, interested in international mobility and gaining knowledge on advancing in a research career can join as mentees, and highly skilled researchers who feel that they could offer help and advice to early-stage researchers - as mentors.

The Programme is open for researchers from all over the world and from any subject area, and encourages them to:

  • establish an international collaboration with researchers that they ordinarily wouldn’t have access to
  • share knowledge, skills, expertise and learn from each other’s experiences;
  • gain valuable insight into how other research organisations work, and more.

The mentoring relationship is in a virtual (online) form and it is structured around six predefined topics of discussion, but other topics can be also included as per agreement between the mentoring pair.

A detailed information about the Mentoring Programme and registration to it: