On 08.10.2024 a meeting was conducted on the project “TALENTify: Transnational Acceleration and Learning for Enhancing Networking and Talent Circulation Hub”, during which the project team from the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) – Plovdiv and the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts “Prof. Asen Diamandiev” – Plovdiv held a discussion with representatives of EURAXESS Slovakia: Karla Zimanova, deputy director and project manager at SAIA (Slovak Academic Information Agency), and Janka Kottulová, researcher and project manager at SAIA. The EURAXESS Slovakia experts highlighted the main opportunities that the ERA TALENT project provides in the context of the development of EURAXESS talent circulation hubs. The role of the newly established Hub at CPSBB under the TALENTify project and its contribution to the EURAXESS network were presented by the Project Manager Prof. Dr. Vesela Kazashka. The discussion was focused on the opportunities for cooperation between the Slovak and the Bulgarian EURAXESS networks, and joint activities and initiatives that can be implemented under the TALENTify project. Possibilities were outlined for organizing events – both online and in-person, as well as for conducting bilateral mobilities related to the implementation of the activities included in the work packages of the project. The cooperation with EURAXESS Slovakia, as well as with other national EURAXESS networks, is expected to develop during the implementation period of the TALENTify project, and joint activities are planned to extend after the completion of the project, within the global EURAXESS network.