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NEWS7 Oct 2023News

Links and QRs to all the UniweLiS project outcomes now available!

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Find the links and QR codes in the attached brochure!

Key UniweLiS project activities focus on HE managers further professional development. Second, the project aims to facilitate the introduction of measures leading to better support for international PhD students and academic staff coming for mid and long-term mobility, study or work. Third, it aims to encourage further development of welcoming culture at participating institutions,
which should lead to more effective recruitment of international talents and their better integration due to a more inclusive environment.

Many universities in the region of Central-Eastern & South-Eastern Europe have made a substantial step towards developing services & professional capacities for internationalisation of HE, especially thanks to the ERASMUS+ programme. Availability of a long-term funding & increasing number of students, teachers & staff participating in mobilities supported via the ERASMUS+ created the need to develop dedicated services ranging from administrative support to variety of activities in the field of practical assistance & social & cultural integration of mobile students & staff. However, these services focus (in line with ERASMUS+ programme priorities) mostly on the mobility of (under)graduate students & short-term mobility of both academic & support staff. Mid & long-term incoming mobility of PhD students & academic staff attracts less attention at majority of HE institutions in the region & many lack any staff to support this specific target group.

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