During a radio discussion on September 24th, Kostadin Kolarov, a member of the Scientific Entrepreneurship Hub in Bulgaria team, and Svetlana Dimitrova, head of the EURAXESS network in Bulgaria, delved into the progress of scientific entrepreneurship in Bulgaria. They reviewed the initiatives unveiled at the kick-off meeting on September 20th. Svetlana Dimitrova discussed the hub’s role in bridging academia and business, potential funding sources, the EURAXESS network’s support across the EU, and opportunities for students, faculty, and young, refugee, and at-risk scientists to engage in innovative projects. As. Prof. Kostadin Kolarov Kolarov highlighted the unique challenges of blending rapid entrepreneurship with the gradual pace of scientific achievements and detailed the SciEntBG Hub's strategies to support this merging.
Source: https://bnr.bg/hristobotev/post/102049734/predpriemachestvo
Академичното предприемачество у нас, или как се изгражда хъб за иновации и бизнес публикувано на 24.09.24