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NEWS21 Feb 2025News

CPSBB was a co-organizer of the two-day seminar “Open science and talent circulation” in Ruse


On February 20 – 21, 2025 in the Library of the University of Ruse, the event “Open Science and Circulation of Talents” was held. It was organized within the framework of the TALENTify Hub, established in Plovdiv at the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB). Together with CPSBB, co-organizers of the event were the University of Ruse and the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts (AMDFA) “Prof. Asen Diamandiev”.

The seminar provided an opportunity to exchange knowledge and know-how among participants and representatives from the academic community, related to mobility and professional development of researchers, as well as international exchange of knowledge in the field of science.

The event was attended by representatives of the academic community and doctoral students from CPSBB, AMDFA “Prof. Asen Diamandiev” and University of Ruse, who took part on site and online.

Prof. Dr. Vesela Kazashka, Head of the Administrative Department at CPSBB, presented the main goals of the TALENTify Hub as a newly formed structure, established to support the exchange of talents. She outlined the importance of cooperation between scientific organizations, higher schools and businesses in helping doctoral students to achieve their professional development.

Dr. Albena Antonova from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” delivered a lecture on “Tools for the benefit of the researcher, Open Science”. 

Svetlana Dimitrova (EURAXESS LCP – Sofia University) presented the program “EURAXESS – opportunities and development”.

The event was part of the initiatives of the ERA Talent project, funded by the European Commission through the FSTP call and the Horizon Europe program of the European Union with grant agreement No. 101103476.