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Working in EuropeWork permitBulgaria

Work Permit


Employing Foreign Citizens


Foreigners – non EU/EAA have the right of employment on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria if:

- Are hired by employer in the accordance with the Labour Codex
- Are commissioned for a particular term by a foreign employer within the framework of offering services on Republic of Bulgaria territory
- Wish to be self-employed

They are entitled to employment in Republic of Bulgaria only after receiving an NEA Work Permit. Work Permit could be granted only to individuals possessing skills, specialized knowledge, which are required but could not be found on the national labour market. Work Permit is only issued upon an employer request – physical or legal entity, either registered in accordance to the Bulgarian legislation, or a party in international treaty as employer of the foreign physical and legal entity.

The relevant application kit should be submitted in the LOD in accordance to the foreign employee’s place of work.

  • The Work Permit is an official personal document for its holder and its possession gives the particular person the right of employment in Republic of Bulgaria for a pre-determined period of time in particular work placement, with a defined official position for an employer, which is physical or legal entity registered under Bulgarian low and has made the request for the work permit issue.

  • The Work Permit is issued for an up-to-one year term with the possibility of up to three years extension for executive personnel and more then three years for managerial level positions.

  • The Work Permit is a basis for the issue by the proper authorities of an entry clearance and residence permit with the same duration.

Alleviation of the Work Permit issuing conditions applies for the following:

  • Foreigner, whose employment on the country’s territory originates for International treaties implementation

  • Internationally renowned scholars and intellectuals

  • High managerial personnel of companies established by foreign legal entities on Bulgarian territory

  • Foreign company specialists engaged in assembly, repair and set in operation of imported equipment

  • Specialists on production quality assessment

EU/EAA or Swiss citizens

Foreigners – EU/EAA or Swiss citizens and members of their families can work in Bulgaria without the issue of NEA Work Permit. They have to make a registration as jobseekers in Employment Office.

We are in the process of updating some content on this section in the light of the UK's departure from the EU. If the section contains content that does not yet reflect this development, it is unintentional and will be addressed.