Working in the field of science is a constant challenge. Scientists have great minds and analytical skills that allow them to move forward with their projects. However, some factors such as the high competitiveness in the sector and the fact of having to move to other countries (sometimes repeatedly) imply that, throughout their career, they may experience periods of emotional discomfort. These workshop will help participants develop some key skills and personal attitudes to be able to thrive in stressful situations. Objectives 1. Becoming aware of how emotions work, and how they can be used to our advantage. 2. Developing some personal skills to better plan and prioritize and thus reduce stress levels. 3. Improving communication skills to be able to express ourselves assertively and thus prevent/manage conflicts that may cause emotional discomfort.
- Date & Duration
- -
- Introduction
- Importance of self-management: What it is and what it is not.
- Planning well to be able to take the reins of our challenges..
- The Concept of Assertiveness: Definition and some differences between cultures
- Possible burnout indicators and when to seek help
- Individual Action Plan
- Closure
Coach-facilitator: Alicia Marín Muniesa
Master's Degree in Mindfulness: Health, Business and Education
Co-Active Coach (CTI)
Team Coach (ORSC)
Master's Degree in Coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
NLP Practitioner and Trainer
Degree in English Philology
Liberal Arts Studies
18 years of experience in people and business management in multinational companies.
- Name
- Sofia University
- Contact Person
- Svetlana Dimitrova
- Organiser address
- Bulgaria
- svetlana@fmi.uni-sofia.bg