
Understanding the importance of the self assessment is a crucial step of Career Planning Process.
During the seminar the researchers will learn about:
- Why they need a self assessment?
- How to assess themselves?
- How to identify their strengths and weaknesses?
- Why they need a career counseling?
- What usually do the Career Consultant?
- What their expectation of career counseling should be?
- Date & Duration
- -
- Location/Venue
- bul. "Tsar Osvoboditel" 15, 1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
- Introduction - Tanya Yordanova, EURAXESS Bulgaria, Sofia University
- Self assessment - Svetlana Dimitrova, EURAXESS Bulgaria, Sofia University
- Career counseling "Careers Support for postdocs" - Dott.ssa Lucia Salto, University of Turin
- Invited speaker - "Career Transition Story" - Luisa Marena PhD, Head of Innovative Cell Line Characterization Laboratory at MERCK
- Discussion
- Name
- Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
- Contact Person
- Tanya Yordanova
- tanya.yordanova@fmi.uni-sofia.bg