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Information & Assistance

Information & Assistance

Information and Assistance

Find out about all the free services EURAXESS provides to researchers and employers. You can save time and money by using any of EURAXESS Centres around Europe and Worldwide to help you with a range of issues including visa requirements, work regulations, taxation and social security.

Hands-on Help with the Paperwork

EURAXESS provides practical support to researchers as they relocate for work. Through the EURAXESS Centres, EURAXESS also helps employers save time and money by assisting new employees with the move abroad.

Researcher mobility can improve a career in research. Make the move and discover the wealth of opportunities on offer both inside and outside Europe. EURAXESS Centres and EURAXESS Worldwide are on hand to offer expertise and advice to facilitate your move abroad.

HUBs in Bulgaria for specialised services: 

EURAXESS offers specialised support through dedicated HUBs in Bulgaria. These HUBs provide tailored assistance to researchers, offering guidance on career development, access to funding opportunities, and networking with academic and industry partners. Whether you seek collaborations or expert consultations, HUBs ensure that researchers receive the best possible support.